Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Red Trailer Mystery

Look what I spied at the New-To-You store last week? Now I have never read a Trixie Belden book before but this is so cute. Trixie and her rather well-to-do friend, Honey Wheeler, are off to solve a mystery. These girls actually ride inside the trailer while Honey's governess, Miss Trask, drives. When they get to their first stop, Miss Trask says, "I'm so tired I couldn't boil an egg". Of course these two amazing thirteen year olds whip up dinner. Too funny! How did I miss this series as a kid? Maybe I would have been a trailer crazy teen. I never heard of anyone naming their trailers back then, but Honey's family owns the 'Silver Swan' and of course the red trailer is named 'Robin'. I've only read two chapters but I truly think this little gem was worth all of the .25 cents I paid. 

Check out this link if you would like to find out more about the Trixie Belden books. Some of the older covers for this title have great vintage trailers depicted on them.


  1. Beth,
    You are always finding such interested things related to trailers... How cute ... dime store paperbacks targeted to teens. What year where they published.

    Your Iowa trailer friend,

  2. Hi Nancy.
    The first Trixie Belden book was published in 1948 and the last one came out in 1986. I thought I had brought my book back home from the cottage but apparently I left it there. Hopefully, I will have time to read it this weekend when we go. Hoping to take the tarp off Betty too. Hooray!
    Your Nova Scotia trailer friend,


Your comments are valued. I read every one of them. (In fact I often go back and reread them.) They really do make my day! Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to write to me.